Losing Your Spark (Spark Plug Replacement)
August 29, 2021
When's the last time you thought about spark plugs? You probably don't remember. That's because spark plugs usually last a long time and don't need much attention. But they don't last forever, and when they start going bad, they'll send you a few clues. Vehicle is hard to start. Fuel economy ... More

The Truth about Tire Pressure (Tire Inflation)
August 22, 2021
Most light vehicles (under 10,000 pounds/4,500 kg) in North America sold from 2008 model year on have a feature that many people are confused about. It's the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). You may have some experience with it yourself if you own a newer vehicle. Vehicles with TPMS hav... More

Service to Improve Fuel Economy
August 15, 2021
The price of gas in Ohio has got people in Elyria talking. It seems that Elyria folks who need a bigger vehicle to carry family and gear, or provide four wheel drive, are hit especially hard. That is why we thought it would be good to review some things that anyone can do to improve fuel economy... More

When "Oh, no!" Turns Into, "All right!"
August 8, 2021
Things we don't expect happen to our vehicles. And let's face, no one really wants to spend money on an unexpected repair. But if you are putting off going to your vehicle repair facility because you're dreading bad news, you might just be putting off some good news. There was one minivan driver ... More

How Much is Enough for Elyria Auto Owners? Tire Tread Depth
August 1, 2021
Most Elyria drivers know that tires wear out and that the wear has to do with tread depth. Most of us have heard that bald tires are dangerous, but most of us picture a tire with no tread at all when we think of a bald tire. And when we take our vehicles in for preventive maintenance, the techni... More